The Pin Cushion Rebrand
Branding, Print & Illustration.
Hero image The Pin Cushion Rebrand
A contemporary rebrand for Melbourne-based seamstress, The Pin Cushion, with the aim of aligning the new design with her brand values of sustainability. The Pin Cushion is a sustainable organisation, specialising in altering various garments to either revamp them or adjust the pieces for clients to continue wearing the clothing they love, regardless of fluctuations in size or style changes.
The Pin Cushion wanted their new corporate identity to reflect their values of sustainability with an earthy style, and this is how we came up with the concept of incorporating the Waratah flower which transforms into a pin cushion, and the colour palette.
A scene depicting various stationary elements for The Pin Cushion, including business cards, letterheads, envelopes and brochures
T-shirt design featuring The Pin Cushions new logo
Tote bag with The Pin Cushion's new logo, for customers to take their garments home with them
Storefront sign for The Pin Cushion

The Finished Product

This new logo combines a Waratah flower, native to Australia, with a pin cushion as its bud. The rich colour palette is earthy and gentle, inspired by the natural hues of Australia, which balances well with The Pin Cushion’s sustainable values.
The final package featured a logo with options and colour-ways, business cards, letterhead and envelope designs and merchandise, such as a t-shirt and tote bag.
If you’re based within Melbourne, and have any alteration work, give @the.pincushion a shout, she’s magic with a sewing machine!
(Note, for privacy reasons, the contact information on the business card is fictional)
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