GGC Industries
Web design, uxui & layout.
Hero image for GGC Industries
While contracting to Melbourne design agency, PopCandi, I was responsible for the web design of GGC Industries, one of Australia’s leading suppliers of cranes, rigging, scaffolding, encapsulation and labour hire for large industrial and commercial applications. company. They had recently completed a rebrand, and this needed to be applied to a new website design, breathing new life, lightness and a spacious layout to each page.
Snapshot of GGC Industries redesigned homepage
Snapshot of GGC Industries redesigned homepage featuring a structural layout
GGC Industries newsletter and footer redesign
Example of scrolling through one of GGC Industries redesigned project page

The Finished Product

The redesign was well received by GGC Industries. The final designs are light and airy. Images are stacked to symbolise structures, which are GGC’s bread and butter.
On GGC’s original website, they had roughly 30 project PDFs, which had to be downloaded to be viewed, and with this redesign, I created a sleek and minimal project template layout which was populated with each projects content, and can be utilised for all future projects.
Information Architecture (IA) was utilised to ensure a more powerful user flow and experience, and content was combined onto one single page to minimise the amount of pages and clicks a user would have to journey through.
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